About us
With the rapid growth of UAVs for industry, there are now a multitude of flying machines. At Falcon UAV, we believe in fitting the most suitable aerial platform to the job at hand.
Falcon UAV are the Australia and New Zealand regional partners of international fixed wing manufacturers, AgEagle, and their comprehensive range of camera payloads including SenseFly & Micasense. In addition, FalconUAV have partnered with the Enterprise line of DJI equipment for Surveying and Spraying requirements, as well as Sentera Camera manufacturers for enhanced decision making.
We are based in Melbourne, Australia, but provide a national service using AgEagle eBee and DJI quadcopters copters for NDVI/NDRE imaging as well as Spray Drones predominantly for the Agricultural industry. Specialised Units and services are also available to Defense, Environmental and Renewables industries. Get in touch to find out more.
We have operators across Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and Adelaide. Our aerial imagery will quickly show any areas of ‘crop stress’ allowing for precision assessment and most appropriate solution; increase yield.
All UAV and Sensor types have been specifically designed for ag use; built “tractor tuff”, with design input from agronomists, farmers, defense personnel, and aviation specialists – set to perform.
Fixed wing drones are far more stable in windy conditions, when compared to most other platforms. They also generally have greater endurance: the eBee platform can cover around 1200 acres in a single 90 min flight.
Simply program in the area to be imaged, add a few elements (wind direction) and the software creates a flight plan. After launch, handover to the imaging software and its all automatic after that. The eBee and DJI units are the most economical pieces of agricultural equipment, designed to get the job done, save costs and increase yield.