Complete Soil Balance Analysis
This test package represents the sum of over 50 years research by SWEP’s found and chairman, Te Mihail. The complete soil test covers all three functional components of The Mikhail System – Cations (Structure), Nutrients and Microbiology.
Three sets of recommendations are provided:
- Cation balance for soil structure*;
- Gypsum requirements to improve the soil structure, Sulphur and Calcium deficiency
- Lime requirements to improve soil pH and calcium deficiency.
- Dolomite requirement for magnesium deficiency and calcium/magnesium ratio
- Magnesium oxide, magnesite or magnesium carbonate in the case of magnesium deficiency only
- Soil nutrient requirements (elemental figures for major and trace elements kg/ha) relative to the specified land use/s; adjusted CEC, irrigation or annual average rainfall amount, leaching requirement, gypsum and lime requirement.
- Relative and recommended proportions of five key indicator groups (Lactic Acid Bacteria, Fungi, Yeast, Actino-bacteria & Photosynthetic Bacteria) with the total active bacteria, and appropriate bioactive materials to correct and manage their balance.
- Biological stimulants – kelp, molasses, worm leachate, fish emulsions, humate
- Cation Balance Analysis This test determines how to correct the balance of exchangeable cations relative to the adjusted cations exchange capacity, through the application of soil ameliorants such as lime, dolomite, or gypsum. Requirements are determined according to soil exchangeable calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and hydrogen cations, as a percentage of adjusted CEC. Included in the ‘Standard and Complete Soil Balance’ analyses, or available as a stand alone “GL-1” test for situations like sub-soil testing, land reclamation projects and soil audits.
Other soil testing packages:
- Short analysis (SA-1)
- Microbial Balance
- Organic soil audit
- Organic complete test
- Organic standard test
- Standard truffle test
- Total elements package
- Heavy Metals package
- Biohazard indicators
- Reef Wise package
- OC/OP & H/F packages (for chemical residue)